Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Community Hall
In May, NVDHS collaborated with Vatandoust Sirrs Real Estate Team to produce a special edition of their On The House magazine to honour the 100th anniversary of the Newcastle Community Hall. On The House is distributed free to all households in Newcastle, Orono and Wilmot Creek – you should have received your copy by now. If you haven’t, we have additional copies available at the historical room, so drop by any time we’re open (9:30 to noon, Tuesdays and Saturdays) to pick up your free copy.
The issue features 12 pages of our content featuring the Community Hall – from the construction of the Hall itself to some of the people involved in its history. We hope you will enjoy it. Our section is is also available for download as a PDF.
We would like to thank our sponsors who made the publication of this special edition of the newsletter possible: Alpha Pro Painters, Algoma Orchards, Treasure Hill, Lincoln Homes, Rona The Hardware Store, and The Old Newcastle House. Special thanks goes to Doug Sirrs for his support and openness to our collaboration.